Romans 10.
Faith cometh by hearing.

Note the questions to verses 14 and 15.
'Report' (16) = The thing you hear.
'Believe' (in Isa. 53:1) is 'Say Amen to'.
Faith and the Word (2 Tim. 3:15).

Ephesians 2:1-10.
Faith links grace
and works.

The word 'that' in verse 8 does not refer to 'faith',
but to the whole scheme of salvation.
'Faith' leads to 'Works' -- Not of works ...
His workmanship ... unto good works.
Hebrews 11:1-31.
Faith the title deeds.
'Substance'.  This word has recently been discovered
among ancient documents and means 'title deeds'.
Abraham's tent = title deeds;
Abraham's city = thing hoped for.
Note seven examples in 4-11 and seven
examples in 17-31.
Habakkuk 1:1-4;
Habakkuk 2:1-4;
Habakkuk 3:17-19.
The just shall live by faith.

Habakkuk's test. 'How long shall I cry' (1.2).
Habakkuk's trust. 'Though it tarry, wait' (2:3).
Habakkuk's triumph.  'Yet I will rejoice' (3:18).

Questions based on Readings

Romans 10.

(1) How does faith come?
(2) How is confessing the Lord related to believing?
(3) What is the result of faith?

Ephesians 2:1-10.

(1) Can salvation by grace through faith be earned?
(2) What is that we cannot do in order to be saved
      and yet we should do after we are saved?
Hebrews 11:1-31.
(1) In what way is faith the 'substance' of
      things hoped for?

(2) Can you give another meaning for the
      words 'By faith'
which come in connection
      with the people in this chapter?

(3) What did this faith do for them and what
      will it do for us?
Habakkuk 1:1-4;
Habakkuk 2:1-4;
Habakkuk 3:17-19.

(1) Is prayer always answered at once?
(2) What are we told to do in chapter two and what
      will help us to do this?
(3) lf we have faith in the Lord, what can we do
      although things go wrong around us? (chapter 3).

Verses to memorize (one each week): Romans 10:17; Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 11:1; Habakkuk 2:3,4.

  • The Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus Christ; Who declares to the Believer our Heavenly Father that we might know Him. God has revealed Himself not according to religious viewpoints but reveals Himself by the written Word.  The Light that illuminates our path makes it possible for all who are willing to walk with Him and to see His clear instructions to live victorious lives in Christian Faith and Practice.
  • is a Bible Study Center whose goal is to base all of our posted teachings on Scripture and not the traditions and commandments of men.