Romans 3:19-31.
The Redemption that is
in Christ Jesus.

'Freely' (24) = without a cause (John 15:25).
The word 'redemption' literally means to 'set free'.
Type -- Israel in Egypt 'set free' by blood of
the passover lamb.

Ephesians 1.
Redemption is by blood.

Forgiveness (7) means 'to setfree'.
Type as above -- 'the Passover'.
Redemption comes again in verse 14.
Type Ruth 4; Rom. 3:24 and 8:23 set forth the two.
Exodus 6.
Redemption of stretched
out arm.
'I am' (2), 'I have' (4), 'I Will'(6,7,8).
'Bring out from under', 'Rid you',
'Take you' =
phases of redemption.
Psalm 49.
No man can redeem
his brother.

Redemption involves 'living forever' and
'not seeing corruption'(9).
Redemption is by 'ransom' (7).
No earthly wealth or power is of any avail (6 -8).
God will do what man cannot (15).

Galatians 3:1-14 and
Galatians 4:1-7.
Redemption and the
price paid.

'Redeem' in 3:13 and 4:5 is a word that means to
pay the price in the market to set a slave free
(see 1 Corinthians 6:20).

Questions based on Readings

Romans 3:19-31.

(1) Can we be saved by keeping the law?
(2) How much have we to pay?
(3) Something is 'declared'.
      Can you explain?  (3:25,26).

Ephesians 1.

(1) 'We have redemption'.  Where?  How? Why?
(2) Redemption (Eph. 1:7) and Justification (Rom. 3)
      come by what?  Can you say why?
Exodus 6.
(1) What was God going to redeem the people of
      Israel from, and how did He say He would do it?
(2) How is the redemption of the Israelites a picture
      of the redemption in Christ Jesus?
Psalm 49.

(1) What does it say here is impossible for a man to
      do for his brother?  Who can do this?
      What is it that God redeems and from what power?

Galatians 3:1-14 and
Galatians 4:1-7.

(1) Why is redemption necessary for all under law?
      (See verses 10 and 13).
(2) Why did the Lord Jesus die upon a 'tree' or cross?

Verses to memorize (one each week): Romans 3:24; Ephesians 1:7; Exodus 6:6; Galatians 3:13.

  • The Word of God makes known The Lord Jesus Christ; Who declares to the Believer our Heavenly Father that we might know Him. God has revealed Himself not according to religious viewpoints but reveals Himself by the written Word.  The Light that illuminates our path makes it possible for all who are willing to walk with Him and to see His clear instructions to live victorious lives in Christian Faith and Practice.
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